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As we move from spring to summer, a butterfly garden could be a great idea to consider.

The garden will bring beauty to your landscape.

The flowers and plants will benefit the environment and create a place for butterflies to thrive.

Below are the steps and considerations for a beautiful garden.

Find a Location

Look for a space in your yard with lots of sun and protection from the wind.

Decide on the Plants

Your garden will need two types of plants – host and nectar.

Host Plants: These are the plants where eggs are laid, and caterpillars eat.  Some host plants to consider include milkweed, dill, fennel, clover, and aster.

Nectar Plants: These plants are where the butterflies feed.  Nectar plants include the butterfly bush, purple coneflower, zinnia, and wild bergamot.


You can combine the host and nectar plants together in the location you selected.  From there, you can let nature take over. 

If there is a period without rain, you could water the plants to ensure they continue to thrive.

Sit Back and Enjoy

Once the plants are there, you can sit back, watch them grow, and start to see the butterflies arrive.

For more information and planning, you could check out the book Butterfly Gardening with Native Plants: How to Attract and Identify Butterflies by Christopher Kline.