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One Shade Greener at Home.

Are you looking for resources and ideas to lighten your environmental impact, bring fewer toxins into your home, and live simpler?

If so, this book is full of tips and resources for your One Shade Greener journey. With over 200 brand recommendations, you’ll be sure to find products and ideas for every room in your home.

Available in both paperback and Kindle formats.

Lori Sullivan is the Marie Kondo of making our lives more sustainable.

It’s clear that systemic action is the only way for us to solve our systemic climate problem, and one way to start is by finding solace and taking action at home.  Lori’s book is calm, clear and supportive. It’s filled with ways you can take action today, and tomorrow as well. With her at your side, each step feels a bit easier–and then we can find the confidence to organize our block, our village and our city as well.

Better is possible, and we need to begin.

seth godin

Lori is available for speaking engagements.  If you are looking for an educational presentation, a fireside chat, or a panel member at an event, she can speak about changes in your home, company, or community.

Live. Work. Play.

One Shade Greener is a philosophy.  Changes – small or large – compounded over time will make a positive difference for both people and the planet .  My book focuses on sharing tips, brands, and my personal experiences making simple changes at home. My goal is to support you on your journey to make your environment healthier and greener.


There will also be ideas to inspire action at your workplace and/or in your community.  Systemic change will take big ideas and innovation within large companies and governments to make the most significant difference.  Everyday people like us are the thought leaders in those large organizations and our voice can inspire change.  Let’s strive to educate and our companies and communities on the opportunities to continue their journey to become One Shade Greener. Together, we can make a difference.