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As we move into the second half of August in Michigan, we think about fall.

Summer vacations are behind us.

School starting back up.

Routines being re-established.

This is a great time to think about the things that will make your home One Shade Greener.

I’ve found that once it’s time to do something, it’s too late to think about other options.

So, I hope these five ideas get you started on your journey to a greener fall.

Use Leaves

Fall leaves are a rich resource. Instead of bagging them up and sending them away, we can use them for compost or mulch. The first step for either option is to shred the leaves to enable them to break down faster.

For mulch, layer or mix the leaves with kitchen scraps, green garden waste, and a bit of soil. This creates nutrient-rich compost.

Alternatively, use the shredded leaves as mulch for landscape beds. Mulching helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health.

Reduce Energy Consumption

With shorter days and cooler nights, energy use often increases during the fall.  There are many consumption and maintenance ideas that are great to consider this time of year. Here are a few ideas:

  • Set your thermostat a few degrees lower and wear cozy sweaters indoors.
  • Ensure your heating system is running efficiently. Clean or replace filters and schedule a professional inspection to avoid energy waste during the colder months.
  • Inspect your home for drafts around windows and doors. Use weatherstripping or draft stoppers to prevent heat loss and keep your home warm without cranking up the heat.
  • Consider adding insulation to your attic or walls if needed.
  • Make the most of the daylight by keeping your curtains open during the day.
  • Start to think ahead to holiday decorating and purchase LED lights that use significantly less energy than traditional light strings. Buying them now saves the expense with all the other holiday costs in the 4th quarter.

Prioritize Seasonal Produce

Fall is a harvest season and the perfect time to enjoy fresh, local produce.

We can support local farmers by shopping at farmers’ markets reducing the impact of fruits and vegetables traveling from faraway places.

We can also buy this seasonal produce in bulk and learn the art of canning, pickling, or freezing. This not only reduces food waste but also allows us to enjoy the flavors of fall throughout the year.

Finally, if we have space, we could consider planting a fall garden with cool-weather crops like kale, spinach, and carrots.

Recommit to Habits

Many have suggested that September is the “second January” – a time to set and recommit to habits. As we get into the post-summer routines, we can get back to habits like reusable coffee mugs and water bottles, packing lunch to avoid the waste, and more intentional grocery shopping…with our reusable bags.

Your Turn

Which of these fall ideas feel right for your life and home? 

Is there one you can get started on this weekend?

Could you make a list and spread the ones you want to try across the next few weeks?