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Back in 2010 I started taking my own bags to the grocery store.

I wrote a blog post that mentioned I went to Target and Kroger my first day and realized that I was the only one in both stores that brought their own bags.

Nearly 15 years later and the situation here in Michigan isn’t much different. When shopping, there are a few others with their own bags, but we are definitely in the minority of shoppers.

In addition to bringing your own bags making sense for the environment, there are two additional benefits.

  1. The bags hold more than paper/plastic bags
  2. They can be easily carried over the shoulder.

This allows you to make less trips to the car when unloading groceries.

This got me thinking about the question I asked myself years ago – why don’t more people bring bags??!!!

I’ve come up with two conclusions – preparation and habits.


To bring your bags, you first need to buy some.

While they aren’t very expensive, the process of shopping for them seems harder than it is. A quick Amazon search will get you started.

The good news is that once you have them, you won’t need to buy again for a LONG time. I’m still using the same ones I purchased years ago.


Habits are a little more challenging. Once you have the bags, you have to remember to bring them into the store with you.

While it took a month or two for me to readjust my habits years ago, I can say it is rare for me to forget them today.

You just need to establish a routine that works for you.

One easy step is to make sure you always keep the bags in your trunk. That way, they are always at the store with you..

For the first month, I made myself go back to the car if I got in the store without the bags. After forgetting them a couple times and having to walk out to get them (once after my shopping was finished), I quickly learned to bring them along.

Your Turn

Do you bring your own bags to the grocery?

If so, do you see other advantages? How did you first remember to bring them into the store with you?

If you don’t already take your own bags, give it a try…it’s not that hard!