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Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan

Today, June 18th, is National Flip Flop Day. In honor of the occasion, I went back to a post I originally wrote in June of 2010 and thought this was the perfect time to update the post with some current eco-friendly flip flop alternatives. I’ve also come across some really cool products made from recycled flip flops and thought I would share those as well.

Most flip flops on the market today are made from plastics and/or non-recycled materials. The biggest problem is that after you are done with them, they will head to a landfill and take thousands of years to decompose. Just like all green products you buy, you want to seek out alternatives that are either:

  1. Made of a natural material that will decompose.
  2. Made of a recycled material – giving it a second life.


Feelgoodz flip flops are made of natural latex straight from the yang para latex rubber trees. Made of a natural material, they will biodegrade in four years. For disposal, you can plant them in your backyard or send them back to Feelgoodz for a discount on your next pair. The vision and thinking behind the company is pretty interesting and can be found on their site. Designs appear gender neutral and are priced around $30.

Find out more on their website –

Recycled Flip Flop Doormats

There are millions of flip flops out there today headed for landfills. One creative reuse that I’ve found are upcycled doormats using old flipflops. They can be found at most marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, Ebay and more. Search “recycled flip flop doormats” and find the one that is perfect for you.