Live. Work. Play.
One Shade Greener is a philosophy. The idea that changes – small or large – compounded over time will make a positive difference for both people and the planet . The book and blog focus on sharing tips, brands, and inspiration to make changes at home, at work, and in in our communities. The goal is to support you on your journey to make your environment healthier and greener.
Systemic change will take big ideas and innovation within large companies and governments to make a significant impact. Everyday people like us are the thought leaders in those large organizations and our voice can inspire change. Let’s strive to educate and our companies and communities on opportunities to become One Shade Greener. Together, we can make a difference.

One Shade Greener at Home.
Are you looking for resources and ideas to lighten your environmental impact, bring fewer toxins into your home, and live simpler?
If so, this book is full of tips and resources for your One Shade Greener journey. With over 200 brand recommendations, you’ll be sure to find products and ideas for every room in your home.
Available in both paperback and Kindle formats.
Moving to a sustainable future is a process. The One Shade Greener team is here to help support you along the journey.
Lives today are overwhelming. Creating a sustainable life ensures you have the time and space for innovation and making a difference at home, at work, and in your community.
Learning to live more sustainably at home is a process. Classes, coaching, and content are available to help you at every step of your household journey.
Focused on sustainability strategy. Business plans, ESG strategy, go-to-market plans, and communications strategy we are available to meet your strategic business needs.
Process Towards Greener Choices
Wanting to become greener and even buying a book like One Shade Greener at Home is a great start. We build knowledge through books and podcasts to learn what to do and what to look for. Yet, when the time comes to purchase products, we are often so busy that we don't...
A Little Upcycling
March 2nd was National Old Stuff Day. The day can be celebrated with new experiences or giving new life to something old. From a One Shade Greener perspective, the concept of giving new life to something old is often called upcycling. Upcycling can take one product...
Freezing Fresh Herbs
One reason I chose to write One Shade Greener at Home was to continue to learn and push my progress on creating a lighter environmental impact and healthier home. This post highlights a tip that I came across when thinking about waste in the kitchen. I love to use...
Eco-Friendly Valentine’s Day
With Valentine's Day just a few days away, this post pulls some gift ideas from One Shade Greener at Home to inspire your eco-friendly gift giving. Following the format of the book, the suggestions are grouped into Light Green, Dark Green, and DIY Green categories....
One Shade Greener at Home
Today, One Shade Greener at Home has launched on Amazon! About the Book - Overview One Shade Greener at Home gives you a roadmap of simple and actionable ideas you can start to implement today. Brands (United States focused) are referenced for products throughout your...
Dishwashing DIY
Dishwashing detergents contain phosphates, artificial dyes and fragrances that aren't ideal for people or the planet. There are brands available that are healthier choices including Seventh Generation, Dropps, and Earthly.* However, another alternative is to consider...
Hurricanes, Heartache, and Hope
In my post yesterday, I talked about "The Irony of Ian". I completed a draft of my book to lighten impact on the environment just as hurricane Ian hit the area of Florida where our family has a home. The image above was created as I thought about the connections...
The Irony of My Week With Hurricane Ian
This past week provided an interesting irony in my life. On the One Hand I finished the second draft of my book - One Shade Greener at Home. The intent of the book is to be a “personal assistant” providing ideas and inspiration for those who are striving to lessen...
The Carbon Almanac Available Today
Today is a significant day for me - The Carbon Almanac is now available! In October of 2021, I had the opportunity to become a non-paid volunteer working with others around the globe to create the almanac. Seth Godin, who has been an influential and inspirational part...
Bring Your Own Bag
Back in 2010 I started taking my own bags to the grocery store. I wrote a blog post that mentioned I went to Target and Kroger my first day and realized that I was the only one in both stores that brought their own bags. Nearly 15 years later and the situation here in...
Happy “National Flip Flop” Day
Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan Today, June 18th, is National Flip Flop Day. In honor of the occasion, I went back to a post I originally wrote in June of 2010 and thought this was the perfect time to update the post with some current eco-friendly flip flop alternatives....
Trick or Green?! How to Have an Eco Halloween
Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan The leaves are falling and piling up in the yards; the air is cool, sweet, and crisp; just like the tart, orchard apples and the fresh, homemade pumpkin pies. These are the simple pleasures of the autumn season; and we're in luck, because...
Add a Little Green to Your Wardrobe
Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan Clothes are fun, and sometimes we buy them when we don't really need them. Clothes express our personality, and exploring the different styles can be an exciting adventure. However, if you were to pull out all of the clothing you own and...
Eating Locally and Organically
Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan Fruits and vegetables are obviously healthy for you. So why bother with organic fruits and vegetables? The produce that is conventionally grown may look the same as the organic produce, but there is a significant difference between the two...
Eating Away During the Day
Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan I often see reports and initiatives for kids at school to strive for a waste free lunch. In fact, at our local elementary school, they have even had contests to see which class could produce the smallest amount of waste on a given...
Sunscreen – Greener Choices
Originally Posted in June 2010 Photo Credit: Lori Sullivan The last two summers, I’ve wanted to dive in and learn a bit more about sunscreen and what greener choices are available. I purchased a couple that claimed they were green on the packaging, but honestly,...
Kleenex Hand Towels? A Perplexing Product
Post Originally Written April 21, 2010 Tomorrow is Earth Day and tonight I’m perplexed about a new product from Kleenex. I saw the ad on TV twice last night and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Image Source: Kleenex The premise...straight from their website...
Eating – One Shade Greener
I just looked back at my to do list and saw that the first note I have to write a post on “Eating Green” was back on March 11th - 13 days ago. Thirteen days of thinking, procrastinating and not writing. As I think about why, I’ve realized two things. Eating Greener is...
Read Across America Day
Post Originally Written on March 2, 2010 Today is the NEA’s Read Across America Day which is aligned with the birthday of the great children’s author Dr. Seuss. When I worked at Saturn, the company used to celebrate this day in partnership with teachers across the...
Expectations of Green Companies
I’m realizing I set really high expectations for green companies. In fact, possibly higher standards than I set for more traditional companies. The realization came for me last week when I received an order through the mail from a green company. I’ve followed and...
Thoughts on Audi “Green Police” Ad
Post Originally Written February 12, 2010 This week, the eco-circles on and off the web have been all the chatter on Audi’s Super Bowl “Green Police” ad. If you haven’t seen the ad yourself, check it out here. Source: Audi YouTube For some, they believe the ad has set...