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Welcome to Plastic Free July!

This month-long challenge is a global movement that encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to reduce their single-use plastic consumption.

This is not about temporary changes, but rather about learning and adopting sustainable habits.

Why Plastic Free July Matters

Plastic pollution is currently one of the most pressing environmental issues.

Globally, we generate 400 million tons of plastic waste a year.  This waste ends up in our oceans, harming marine life and ecosystems. It’s estimated that humans ingest about 5g of plastic every week which leads to toxicity in our bodies.

By reducing our plastic consumption, we can help mitigate these problems and move towards a more sustainable future. Long-term benefits of reducing plastic use include:

Environmental Impact: Less plastic waste means less pollution in our oceans and landfills. This protects wildlife and helps preserve natural habitats.

Health Benefits: Reducing plastic use can decrease your exposure to harmful chemicals found in many plastic products. Opting for natural and reusable alternatives promotes better health.

Economic Savings: Reusable items may have a higher upfront cost, but they save money in the long run. For instance, a reuseable water bottle can replace hundreds of single-use plastic bottles.

Community and Global Impact: Our efforts can inspire others and contribute to a broader movement towards sustainability. Collective action can lead to significant changes in policies and business practices.

How to Participate in Plastic Free July

Participating in Plastic Free July doesn’t require a complete lifestyle overhaul.

As with all One Shade Greener advice, remember that small, manageable changes can make a significant difference over time.

Here are a few ideas to get started:

Start with the Big Four: Focus on avoiding the four most common single-use plastics: plastic bags, water bottles, straws, and coffee cups. Instead consider reusable alternatives like cloth bags, stainless steel bottles, metal straws, and reusable coffee cups.

Conduct a Plastic Audit: Take note of the plastic items you use daily. Identify which ones you can replace with reusable or biodegradable alternatives. This audit will help you understand your plastic footprint and where to make changes.

Pack a Zero-Waste Kit: Carry a kit with essentials like a reusable water bottle, cutlery set, cloth napkin, and a shopping bag. Having these items on hand makes it easier to avoid single-use plastics when you’re on the go.

Consider Packaging at Purchase: Choose products with minimal or recyclable packaging. Support companies that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Bulk buying and choosing glass or metal over plastic packaging can significantly reduce your plastic waste.  You can find more ideas on this one with the brand alternatives provided in One Shade Greener at Home.

DIY Household Products: Consider making your own cleaning products, toiletries, and beauty items. Not only does this reduce plastic packaging, but it also allows you to control the ingredients and avoid harmful chemicals.

Spread the Word: Share your Plastic Free July journey with family, friends, and within your community. Encourage others to join the challenge and share tips and resources.


Plastic Free July is more than just a challenge; it’s a call to action for a healthier planet.

By making small changes in our daily lives, we can collectively reduce plastic pollution and create a more sustainable future.

Day by Day.

Step by Step.

One Shade Greener.