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Two weeks ago, we covered ideas for cleaning out the garage. We can now see all the tools that remain and think about how to ensure we are ready for summer. The sections below cover ideas for when an additional tool is needed and how to care for the ones we already have.

Adding to the Toolbox – Consider Secondhand

If properly cared for, tools truly can last a lifetime.  That makes this category a great one to consider for secondhand purchases. I’ve found many well-kept tools on eBay and Facebook Marketplace.  As you look at the listings, ensure you are looking at secondhand or refurbished. Especially on eBay, the new listings will pop up first unless you select used.

Tools Needed “Sometimes” – Consider Neighborhood Sharing

Often, there are products we purchase for our garage for a specific project, like a wheelbarrow for hauling dirt for a landscape project or a power saw to cut some large branches off a tree. 

For these occasions, you might ask your family or neighbors if you could borrow theirs rather than buying.  Some neighborhoods have even created tool-sharing spaces where the community owns these products, and you check them out when needed. 

If your neighborhood doesn’t have a system, maybe this is a project you could take on for the benefit of everyone in the community. You will all save money and some valuable space in the garage!

Tool Care and Maintenance

The key to tools lasting a lifetime is taking the time for proper care and maintenance after you use them.  Below are some tips to keep your tools at their best:

  • Cleaning: While different tools require different approaches, ensure you wipe the dirt and dust off the tools each time you finish a project.
  • Storage: To prevent tools from rusting or electrical components from corroding, tools are best stored in dry, clean environments; moist and dirty spaces will do tools no favors.  Reuse tip: Those little silica gel packs that come in lots of items you buy are great at keeping moisture away.  Instead of throwing them away, reuse them in tool drawers or boxes to keep rust at bay
  • Sharpen and Lubricate:  Keeping tools properly sharpened and lubricated will extend their life and ensure they work efficiently.  You know the saying, run like a “well-oiled machine!”
  • Inspect:  As you use your tools, now and then, take the time to inspect them to see if anything is wearing or needs attention. This will let you address issues before they become a problem.
  • Batteries: The battery is key to your power tools.  Many sources recommend they are stored in a location where temperatures remain consistent.  This might be a good reason to keep them in a mudroom or inside the house instead of the garage.


Our tools can last a lifetime.

Taking inventory, buying secondhand, sharing with our neighbors, and keeping tools well maintained can ensure we reduce the impact on the environment.