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With the holiday season right around the corner, many of us will entertain in our homes.

A little intentional planning can help lighten the impact on the environment. 

We may also save some money and lighten our stress along the way.

My Perspective

Entertaining has six primary phases to consider.

From the steps that happen before guests arrive to the leftovers after they go home.

Below are just a few ideas at each of the steps:

Deciding the Menu: This is the area where we have a lot of opportunities to plan and lighten our impact.  While there are many tips and ideas, here are the two primary areas to focus on.  First, consider the types of food – including more plant-based options and being thoughtful about reducing the quantity of meat and dairy products. Second, consider how many guests and how much food – preparing in advance to reduce the amount of post-event food waste.  Finally, look for ingredients that are locally sourced.  If you can find organic and sustainably farmed locations that is even better.

Decorating the Home: In a recent post, we covered how to use nature to help you decorate a space.  You can also purchase fresh flowers for centerpieces using vases you have around the house or purchasing at a secondhand shop.  Another alternative depending on the size of the event could be renting tables, chairs, and décor from a local rental company.

Decorating the Tables: When it comes to the tables, the top tip is to avoid disposables and plastics.  Consider cloth tablecloths over plastic coverings and cloth napkins over disposable.  Try to avoid the convenience trap of disposable plates, cups, and silverware. Instead, purchase a set of entertaining dishes (possibly secondhand). With all of these, we invest once and have them for a lifetime.  This one-time investment saves money over the years, lightens the impact on the planet, and makes our events look very put together.  If we must go with disposables, we can look for alternatives that are compostable.

Preparing the Food: The more we can cook dishes together in the oven, the better.  This will reduce the amount of energy the oven uses to prepare the meal.  Like table décor, anytime we can avoid disposable cookware, like throw-away metal pans, we should consider a permanent alternative.  Looking at secondhand shops to find unique serving dishes can be a great way to dress up the table and serve food in bowls and on platters that will last for years.

Packaging the Leftovers:  Prior to the event, encourage guests to bring along leftover containers from home.  This avoids using disposable plates, foil, and other waste to package the food.  If there is a lot of food leftover that won’t be eaten, consider donating to a local shelter or composting.  When cleaning up from the meal, ensure you have clearly labeled the locations for trash, recyclables, and compost.

Gifts and Party Favors: Sometimes we want to provide a small gift to provide our guests with a reminder of the event.  Two sustainable alternatives are potted plants and upcycled crafts.  You can find many craft ideas via a quick online search.

Your Turn

How many of the entertaining ideas in this post do you already incorporate?

Are there one or two new ideas you would like to try this year?

Do you have additional ideas on how to make your entertaining events more sustainable?