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The paths of personal development are interesting.

You may start wanting more time in your day.

You might be seeing focus.

Or your purpose in life.

Adding more joy and happiness.

Leaning into a hobby.

In all cases, we are looking for space in our life for something we feel is missing.

This quote sums up the challenge for many:

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.”

– Socrates

My Perspective

Minimalism has been a path for those looking to escape a life that is too full.

Reducing possessions, keeping only what you need.

Clearing spaces to make space.

The level of minimalism differs from person to person.

I think the reason is that we each need to decide what level of “full” sustains our best life.

Until we can sustain our own day to day, we have less to give.

Our work, our homes, our relationships, our communities all suffer.

Creativity, new ideas, and inspiration come when we have the space to let them in.

Your Turn

Do you feel your life is too busy?

Have you ever considered or tried minimalism?

What would your sustainable life look like?