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Recently, I watched the Netflix documentaries The Minimalists and Minimalism.

The films follow Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus as they move toward lives of minimalism.

Both documentaries are great and I would recommend watching.

Here, I want to focus on a quote in the film that really struck me:

“If we always want more, we will never have enough.” – Joshua Fields Millburn

This seems like a simple statement, but it’s difficult to address.

Many have grown up with a “more” mindset.

More promotions.

More money.

More things.

At some point, the more can be overwhelming.

Too much work.

Too much stuff.

Not enough enjoyment.

My Story

Each year I choose a “word of the year” to guide me.

The word this year is ALLOW.

I have several statements using the word that are guiding my behavior.

One is “Allow what I have to be enough”.

Of all my statements, this one has had the most significant impact.

Before making a purchase I now check to see if I already own something that will work.

I also think about is this something I want or something I need.

If it’s a want….why do I want it?

Applying this approach has worked.

My purchases are down significantly.

My appreciation for what I do choose to buy is higher.

What I bring into our home now brings me joy.

Less stuff = more space.

More space in my mind, my environment, and my life.

Your Turn

Have you applied a minimalist approach in your life?

How would your purchase decisions change if you allow what you have to be enough?

Is there a category where you over purchase that you could pull back on?