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September 29th is National Coffee Day.

This is the perfect day to understand and savor the beverage that 74% of Americans drink daily.

When considering climate change, coffee both impacts and is impacted by the environment.

An article in the New York Times highlights coffee production issues as well as the impacts that natural disasters, like hurricanes, are having on the industry.

Today, we can learn about the impacts and enjoy the beverage of many of our morning routines.

5 Ideas for National Coffee Day

As you celebrate the day, consider one (or more) of the ideas below to make your morning brew One Shade Greener:

  1. Bring Your Mug – Disposable coffee cups can’t be recycled because of the plastic film needed to keep the liquid in.  When picking up coffee, bring a mug.
  2. Pass on the Dairy – Instead of adding dairy (with its own environmental impacts), we can try enjoying the flavor of the coffee without adding anything.  Another alternative could be soy/almond milk or a different flavor like cinnamon or a bit of maple syrup.
  3. Look for Certifications – Today would be a great day to research the coffee you buy (at home and on the go). Look for brands that are certified Rainforest Alliance, fair trade, and organic. This could be the perfect opportunity to explore a couple of new brands.
  4. Try a French Press – Have you ever used a French press?  This brewing method doesn’t require a filter and could be a fun way to celebrate National Coffee Day.
  5. Skip the Pods – Many coffee pots today leverage coffee pods.  There is a fair amount of controversy about if this method is better or worse for the environment.  My perspective is that the plastic waste produced isn’t worth the other benefits. Skipping

Enjoy the Experience

While the tips above can make your cup of coffee greener, enjoying a cup can also promote wellbeing.

Today, instead of gulping down our brew as we run from one activity to another, we should consider sitting still, enjoying the view, taking a deep breath, and enjoying the flavor.

Your Turn

Have you researched the impact of your coffee habits?

Which of the five ideas above do you plan to do today?

Can you find 5-10 minutes today to just sit, relax, and enjoy your coffee?