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My first interaction with “the commons” was in college.

This was the gathering space to study and informally connect with others.

A shared space.

My next interaction with the term was back in class.

I’m currently enrolled in MIT Sustainability Certificate program and below is my new learning on how the topic of the commons relates to the environment.

The Commons

The Commons reflects any resource that provides benefits to the users, but no one has exclusive claim.

The shared resources could be physical spaces like parks and forests.

Or intangible assets, like knowledge and the internet.

These shared resources are vital and management of them needs to be done with care.

The Tragedy of the Commons

The Tragedy of the Commons is a situation where shared resources are being overused and will eventually be depleted, impacting everyone.

For instance, think of a pasture shared by multiple farmers.

Each farmer aims to maximize their livestock, which is in their self-interest.

However, if they all do so without restraint, the pasture becomes overgrazed, leading to soil erosion and the eventual collapse of the resource.

My Perspective

Once we are aware of the Commons and the risks, we can look at shared resources differently.

We can consider if we are protecting the commons or depleting the resources.

Looking at common resources like “the Earth” is daunting.

Instead, we could focus on smaller ecosystems.

We can start with the commons in our homes, our workplace, our school, or our community.

Solutions to protect commons include regulations, community management, innovation, and education.

Your Turn

What are some Commons in your world?

Are the Commons being managed well or is there an area where resources are being depleted?

What solution(s) could you propose to protect The Commons moving forward?