Live. Work. Play.
One Shade Greener is a philosophy. The idea that changes – small or large – compounded over time will make a positive difference for both people and the planet . The book and blog focus on sharing tips, brands, and inspiration to make changes at home, at work, and in in our communities. The goal is to support you on your journey to make your environment healthier and greener.
Systemic change will take big ideas and innovation within large companies and governments to make a significant impact. Everyday people like us are the thought leaders in those large organizations and our voice can inspire change. Let’s strive to educate and our companies and communities on opportunities to become One Shade Greener. Together, we can make a difference.

One Shade Greener at Home.
Are you looking for resources and ideas to lighten your environmental impact, bring fewer toxins into your home, and live simpler?
If so, this book is full of tips and resources for your One Shade Greener journey. With over 200 brand recommendations, you’ll be sure to find products and ideas for every room in your home.
Available in both paperback and Kindle formats.
Moving to a sustainable future is a process. The One Shade Greener team is here to help support you along the journey.
Lives today are overwhelming. Creating a sustainable life ensures you have the time and space for innovation and making a difference at home, at work, and in your community.
Learning to live more sustainably at home is a process. Classes, coaching, and content are available to help you at every step of your household journey.
Focused on sustainability strategy. Business plans, ESG strategy, go-to-market plans, and communications strategy we are available to meet your strategic business needs.
5 Carbon Footprint Drivers
When we talk about sustainability, reducing our carbon footprint is a key goal. A carbon footprint is the measure of greenhouse gas emissions we release into the atmosphere. These gases drive climate change. According to The Nature Conservancy, the average...
Eco-Friendly Email Tips
Our lives are full of email. We receive them at home and work. We send them to work colleagues, family, and friends. Some send them as part of our business or marketing roles. We complain that there is way too much. Yet, we rarely think about the environmental impact...
Minimalism: Finding “Enough”
Recently, I watched the Netflix documentaries The Minimalists and Minimalism. The films follow Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus as they move toward lives of minimalism. Both documentaries are great and I would recommend watching. Here, I want to focus on a...
The Ripple Effect
People often ask, “How can one individual make an impact on the environment?” Followed by “my changes won’t matter.” When I think about individual impact, I see a circular graphic. There is depth to each layer. They build on one another. The Center -...
People, Planet, Profits
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about the triple bottom line – the balance of people, planet, and profit. Each of the three areas is complex and ever evolving. Companies struggle to put emphasis on all three at once. Many established companies are overwhelmed and...
Triple Bottom Line at Work & Home
When beginning a journey of sustainability, a concept to consider is the idea of the triple bottom line. This is the balance between the planet, people, and profit. While I like the shorthand definition, there is one adjustment that I prefer. In this article...
Shopping for Sunscreen
As we head into summer in the United States, the need for sunscreen rises. I wrote a post back in 2010 that gave 10 sun protection tips. Today, I want to shift the focus and provide some current thoughts on brands to consider. Ingredients and Resources When shopping...
Paying Attention to Plastic
Today, June 5th is World Environment Day. Since 1974, the day has been focused on action to protect the natural environment. Environmental issues like pollution, deforestation, and wildlife crime are explored. Each year, the host country rotates making...
Eco-Friendly Flip Flops
Today, May 31st, is National Flip Flop Day. According to the information on the National Today Website, the flip flop can be traced back to the stone age. Then, somewhere around 3000 years ago during the Japanese Heian period, a flip flop like sandal was created...
Brown Bag – Reducing Lunch Packaging
Packing lunch for work or school will often have three benefits: Healthier – You know the ingredients and source of food you bring vs. carry out alternatives. Less expensive – Preparing your own food saves money compared to buying at a restaurant. Lighter on the...
Break Out the Bike
The third Friday in May is National Bike to Work Day. This day encourages us to bike to work and pay attention to the safety of others biking when we are driving. According to Bike Advisor, less than 1% of the population bikes to work. There are a...
Green is a Journey
Fourteen years ago, I attended my first sustainability conference. The event was the Good and Green Marketing Conference in Chicago, IL. My personal and professional journey in space was just beginning and I returned from the trip invigorated and inspired to make a...
3 Unique and Eco-Friendly Mother’s Day Ideas
If you haven’t landed on the perfect gift for Mother’s Day, this post will give you some sustainable ideas to consider before Sunday. Before we dive into the three unique gift ideas, some more traditional, earth friendly choices include fresh flowers, a homemade...
Power of Concentrate
One easy change to lessen your environmental impact is to purchase concentrates. While I’ve always known this to be beneficial, I’ve never really dug into the advantages not only to the planet, but also to my pocketbook. Last week, I ran out of my countertop cleaner...
Green Cleaning
Many cleaning supplies can irritate your skin, eyes, or throat, and possibly cause headaches and other health problems. This all ties back to the ingredients in the products. When we clean our home, we want the deepest clean possible. However, when harsh...
Earth Day – Resources & Recommendations
Happy Earth Day! In honor of the day, I wanted to provide links to some of my favorite books, podcasts, and blogs. I hope you find a few in the mix to add to your list. One Shade Greener First, I would love it if you would support/follow my One Shade Greener resources...
Breaking Patterns
Tuesday night, I had the opportunity to watch the film Beyond Zero that tracked the path to sustainability of Interface – the largest carpet tile company in the world. The journey for them began in 1995. This was well before many individuals and companies...
Green Medicine Cabinet
Of all the areas in the bathroom, the medicine cabinet is the most challenging to find eco-friendly products. The EWG doesn’t rate these products and many others online don’t provide thoughts or evaluations on what is out there. One important thing to keep...
Green Laundry
On average, homes in the US wash 300 loads of laundry. Consider your own number of loads per week and you can quickly calculate the number in your house. In addition to reducing the number of loads, there are two areas of focus – energy use and products. The...
Green Pet Care
When we think about our pets, we think about another member of our family. A troubling fact is that the Environmental Working Group found that the toxins in dogs was even higher than the levels found in humans. Some of the key sources of these toxins were food...
Meatless Monday
Meat is the most impactful and controversial part of our diet. In countries like the United States, our diets center around meat as the primary element of the meal, especially at dinner. The Impact The impact of meat varies by the type of meat with lamb and beef...