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Live. Work. Play.

One Shade Greener is a philosophy.  The idea that changes – small or large – compounded over time will make a positive difference for both people and the planet .  The book and blog focus on sharing tips, brands, and inspiration to make changes at home, at work, and in in our communities. The goal is to support you on your journey to make your environment healthier and greener.


Systemic change will take big ideas and innovation within large companies and governments to make a significant impact.  Everyday people like us are the thought leaders in those large organizations and our voice can inspire change.  Let’s strive to educate and our companies and communities on opportunities to become One Shade Greener. Together, we can make a difference.

Conscious Consumption

The term “conscious consumption” has been used in many ways. Some consider this to be purchasing products with the impact on the environment in mind. Others think about the impact the supply chain has on workers around the globe. Being mindful of what we are buying....

One Shade Greener at Home.

Are you looking for resources and ideas to lighten your environmental impact, bring fewer toxins into your home, and live simpler?

If so, this book is full of tips and resources for your One Shade Greener journey. With over 200 brand recommendations, you’ll be sure to find products and ideas for every room in your home.

Available in both paperback and Kindle formats.


Moving to a sustainable future is a process. The One Shade Greener team is here to help support you along the journey.


Lives today are overwhelming. Creating a sustainable life ensures you have the time and space for innovation and making a difference at home, at work, and in your community.


Learning to live more sustainably at home is a process. Classes, coaching, and content are available to help you at every step of your household journey.



Focused on sustainability strategy. Business plans, ESG strategy, go-to-market plans, and communications strategy we are available to meet your strategic business needs.

Secondhand Trends

Secondhand Trends

I just came across this chart from Statista that shows the increase in secondhand shopping in 8 different countries.  The US was second on the list moving from 49% in 2019 to 60% in 2023. I was impressed by the increases from 2019-2023.  However, with the...

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Raising Packaging Expectations

Raising Packaging Expectations

In 2010, I wrote a blog post that was one of five a carried from my old website to the new. The post was titled “Expectation of Green Companies”. I covered my disappointment in the packaging material that an eco-friendly company used to ship their products to...

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Circular Economy – Post-Product Use

Circular Economy – Post-Product Use

In a prior post, I covered categories businesses could consider as they start their sustainability journey. Since that post, I’ve started taking a course focused on the circular economy – this is when products and materials are kept in useful operation for as long as...

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Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, we are looking for gifts for our loved ones. Something to show them how much we care. Last year, I wrote a post that gave some gift ideas for traditional valentine gifts including candles, perfume, chocolate, and cards. This...

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Sustainability at Work – Where to Start?

Sustainability at Work – Where to Start?

When sustainability comes up in professional conversations, there is a lot of discussion around things like the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit), ESG (environmental, social, and governance), or possibly conducting a LCA (life cycle analysis). Then, there is...

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2024 – One Shade Greener

2024 – One Shade Greener

As we kick off 2024, now is a great time to set a One Shade Greener intention. Before diving in, it’s good to spend just a little time thinking about why you are starting the journey and what your approach may look like.  Below are some questions and thoughts to...

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Watching Our Food Waste

Watching Our Food Waste

As we move into the week with many holiday parties, food waste is a challenge. We touched on this during our reducing waste post a few weeks ago. Moving into the new year, this is a great area to raise awareness and look to make small changes in the year ahead – this...

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What is Sustainability?

What is Sustainability?

My definition of sustainability starts with the dictionary where the term is described as “capable of being maintained at length without interruption or weakening”.  This simple definition has been expanded to apply to the environment as demonstrated in this...

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Reducing Holiday Waste

Reducing Holiday Waste

During the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years, household waste increases. With more gatherings and gift giving, this isn’t a surprise. There are a lot of articles that reference a 25% increase, but I couldn’t find a source. A few contributors to the increase are...

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Christmas Tree – Real or Artificial?

Christmas Tree – Real or Artificial?

As the holidays approach, one of the first activities is decorating. This process often centers around a tree. The choice tends to boil down to two options - a real tree or an artificial tree.  There is much debate on which alternative is the more environmentally...

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Green Holiday Ideas

Green Holiday Ideas

With the holiday season approaching, below are ideas to consider in several different categories.  Future posts will go into detail on some of these areas. In the meantime, I hope this prompts some ideas to make your holiday One Shade Greener. Decorating &...

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Sustainable Life

Sustainable Life

I have written in previous posts that I believe the first step of sustainability is personal. If our lives are not sustainable, we don’t have the space to solve difficult problems. If we feel overwhelmed, we strive to just get by. We are not advancing our thinking...

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Eco Friendly Entertaining

Eco Friendly Entertaining

With the holiday season right around the corner, many of us will entertain in our homes. A little intentional planning can help lighten the impact on the environment.  We may also save some money and lighten our stress along the way. My Perspective Entertaining...

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Eco Décor – Leverage Nature

Eco Décor – Leverage Nature

As the weather turns and the holidays are in sight, we look to make our homes cozier. A great way to update our décor is to bring a bit of the outdoors in. Today, our world is saturated with mass-produced home décor. Foraging from our yards or neighborhood can create...

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Halloween One Shade Greener

Halloween One Shade Greener

Halloween is full of fun and festivities. Along the way, there are many potential purchases. Below are just a few ideas to make this Halloween one shade greener than last year. Reduce and Reuse The first place to start is to assess what we already have. Pull out...

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The Commons and the Tragedy that Haunts Them

The Commons and the Tragedy that Haunts Them

My first interaction with “the commons” was in college. This was the gathering space to study and informally connect with others. A shared space. My next interaction with the term was back in class. I’m currently enrolled in MIT Sustainability Certificate program and...

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Sustainability at Work

Sustainability at Work

For those getting started with sustainability, there are a lot of frameworks. These frameworks can be helpful at home, at work, and in our communities. Starting with sustainability itself, the definition is the ability to maintain or support over time. Digging in...

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Understanding Consignment

Understanding Consignment

The first Monday of October is National Consignment Day. The day celebrates sustainable shopping as well as earning money with your own items. Consignment Shopping When shopping, purchasing consignment is the same as “shopping secondhand”. This is a way to add to our...

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National Coffee Day

National Coffee Day

September 29th is National Coffee Day. This is the perfect day to understand and savor the beverage that 74% of Americans drink daily. When considering climate change, coffee both impacts and is impacted by the environment. An article in the New York Times highlights...

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World Car Free Day

World Car Free Day

Today, September 22nd, is World Car Free Day. The day encourages us to take a driving break and explore other options. A 2021 study from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics found that 52% of all trips by car are under 3 miles, with 28% of those under a mile....

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We’ve all had a moment of wish-cycling. This is the point when you drop something in the recycle bin with the hope it can be recycled. We wish-cycle many things. In fact, the University of Virginia did a study that highlighted three items that are frequently...

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